Monday, November 24, 2014

Episode 6x12 "Cutting the Cord"

Hey everybody, quick announcement. My current goal in life is to be an animator, in fact I quit my high paying job in the tech industry to focus my time onto pursuing that goal. I just finished my second Flash cartoon, where I did all the animating and voice acting, and it's on youtube. It's not that good, it's not that funny, and if you're not familiar with Super Smash Brothers it won't even make sense. But it was still great practice for me, and it turned out significantly better than my first cartoon. So if you want to support me outside of this blog, you can like the video or subscribe to the channel, or just leave a comment saying it's terrible. Or you can just keep enjoying the blog, because that's awesome too!

The first 45 seconds of the episode remind us what happened with Shawn and Angela up to this point, that they broke up, kissed on Christmas, then were officially declared "over" by Angela when Shawn couldn't make up his mind. Reasonable, since there was a month gap between episodes 11 and 12. That's pretty much a guarantee that the Shangela relationship going to be this episode's focus, so right out of the gates I want to run away and shut down the blog. But sometimes, you just gotta see things through to the bitter end.

Alan is AWOL, so Amy has taken Eric with her to Lamaze breathing class, and of course he turns the whole thing into a circus. Sometimes Eric's idiocy is hilarious, but I have a hard time getting into the humor of him tormenting his pregnant mother. Alan shows up though and takes over, and Eric is asked by the police chief from Psych to be her Lamaze partner since her husband is currently deployed in the Navy. To ask Eric for help, she must be even dumber than he is.

Alan explains that he was late because he was out looking at motorcycles, which is television-speak for midlife crisis. Big Man Matthews has always been one of the more compelling characters on the show, so I'm definitely interested to see where this goes.

Over at Chub- err, The Union, Shawn and Angela have arrived with what is effectively a restraining order, restraining Cory (and Topanga, but mostly Cory) from interfering in their personal lives any more. First thing that comes to mind for me? It's about damn time. Shawn informs Cory that both he and Angela are fine with being apart, and that they both have dates tonight.

Shawn: "I'm ready to rock and roll!"
Cory: "Where ya taking her?"
Shawn: "I don't know, who cares..."

For reasons unknowable, Shawn has decided to double tonight with Cory and Topanga. It worked out for the best though, since Shawn's being a real downer, and Topanga helps Shawn's date understand that it's not her fault. This scene is actually really funny because, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, Shawn and Cory get to play off of each other.

Cory, weeping over a dejected Shawn: "You used to be so good at this... You were the king... He was the king!"

Cory's right, Shawn was the king. They've gone to great lengths here to show us that this relationship with Angela has done something special to Shawn, but I still can't feel sorry for him since this is completely his fault. He actively chose not to get involved with Angela again at the end of episode 11. She told him she loved him, and he said he wasn't ready. It's been five and a half seasons of Shawn sabotaging himself, and I'm running out of sympathy. In the "last time on Boy Meets World" at the beginning, they even left out the part where Shawn tells her he's not ready. It actually kind of made it look like Angela's fault, and the episode has been framing Shawn as the victim! I don't understand what the fuck the writers are doing.

This is a sitcom, so it's only a matter of time before Angela and her date, Ron, arrive at this restaurant as well. Shawn instantly springs to life when he sees Angela, pulling his date over to him and yelling out the punchline of some joke as if he's been having a great time. Rongela come over to the table and make introductions, and I gotta say, Ron is Mister Steal Yo Girl. Real sharp lookin guy with a radio voice, and those 90's-as-hell double earrings. Shawn doesn't stand a chance, and quickly falls back into his depression.

At The Apartment, Eric is reading a book on pregnancy because that's his shtick for the episode.

Eric: "When a woman breaks her water, she's actually lost her mucus plug."

Hey, I learned something today. That's good television.

Alan arrives at the door to discuss motorcycles with Eric. It's obvious to everyone in the room that he's having a midlife crisis, no matter how much he denies it. This is Alan Matthews we're talking about, though, so we shouldn't expect his developments to be so one-dimensional. And indeed, we learn that he's always tried to be a friend to his sons, as well as a father, and now he feels too old to, you know, throw a ball around or whatever with his new kid.

Oh Alannnnnnnn, you try so hard to be a good father ;___; Seriously, you gotta love this guy. And holy shit, we made it through a whole scene without anyone trying to bang Rachel.

The restaurant where all these dates are taking place is having a karaoke contest tonight, and Rongela are the first contestants, which of course motivates Shawn to compete as well. We have to sit through like a minute of Rongela singing The Shoop Shoop Song by Cher. Once again Ron is making me question my sexuality, this time with his singing voice. Topanga and Cory are up next, doing Springsteen's War. Cory's hilariously enthusiastic, while Topanga doesn't seem to be a fan.

Look at those HIPS. That is absolutely amazing. I really don't understand why Ben Savage couldn't find his way into any other shows after this, he really is genuinely funny.

Shawn and his date, Kelly, are up now, doing I Got You Babe. After a bit, Kelly tries to hold hands with Shawn as they sing. That weirds him out, leading to the inevitable and predictable "I can't do this." That sad clarinet music plays as they walk off opposite sides of the stage.

Back at Lamaze, they're learning to burp babies (see the logo at the beginning), and Eric's partner goes into labor. Alan takes command of the situation, handling it expertly, and takes the woman off to the hospital. Alan is the man.

Shawn is sulking over at The Union, on the big couch that is apparently always reserved for him and his crew, like at the coffee shop on FRIENDS. Anyway Cory and Topanga try to console their friend, but he understands that everything is pretty much his fault. He comments that he'll never be able to have a relationship like Corpanga's, but they remind him that they're freaks when it comes to romance. Of course, that's inconsistent with all the times Cory's tried to get Shawn to have what he has, but at least this time Cory is making some sense.

Shawn: "I don't wanna meet somebody new. I'd just screw that up too. Guys... It's me."

"I'm my own worst Eskimo." Has there ever been a more loveable angst-factory than Shawn Hunter?

Shawn declares that he needs some time alone from everybody while he pulls himself together, and then it cuts over to The Apartment. Amy, Alan, and Eric arrive with pizza and what looks like a six pack of beer, to unwind after driving whatshername to the hospital. The actors make certain to direct the labels toward the camera to inform us that is in fact root beer, don't wanna get any craaAAAaaAAaaAaaazy ideas.

Eric has conveniently decided to save his moving speech for after they got here, and unloads it right away. It is pretty sweet though, about how Alan not only helped that woman, but helped him when he froze up and lost his cool when things got messy. Eric explains that that's what's really important in being a father, and that he'll always be able to do that, even for this new kid on the way.

Root Beer brand root beer. Because anything else? It wouldn't be free!

In all seriousness though it's a great scene. Alan is a wonderful dad and to hear this all coming from his son's gigantic heart is very sentimental.

Everyone except Shawn is now hanging out at The Union having a great time, even Ron is there. Shawn walks up to the door outside and observes their good time, but decides to walk off camera instead of joining them.

During the credits, Cory and Topanga (but really Ben and Danielle) are singing War again, and this time Danielle has as much enthusiasm as Ben. It seems like they start improvising, and they're both laughing pretty hard, it's a lot of fun to watch. Why can't they be this much fun during the actual show?

Plot0.5 - More Shawn and Angela drama, blah blah blah. We spent like five minutes at a karaoke restaurant. Hard to give points for this. But I liked Alan's story, as always.

Character Development1.0 - Alan Matthews starring in the Alan Matthews show. Shawn didn't really develop much, he's still sulky and angsty, but at least he seems to have grown up a bit from his high school serial dating.

Humor0.75 - Cory and Topanga were both pretty funny, Shawn had his moments too, enough to cover for the fact that Eric wasn't really very funny in this episode.

Life Lesson1.0 - Eric's conversation with Alan at the end about being there for his children is really inspiring.

3.25 out of 4.0. Well I certainly liked it more than I thought I would. Cory being silly and Alan being the best dad ever are the highlights. And the restraining order against Corpanga's interference bodes well for the future. They're both much more fun when they're not butting in to Shawn and Angela's business.

Thanks for reading, see you Wednesday.

All images used under Fair Use.

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