Friday, February 27, 2015


So with all the clip reels of the various relationships in the finale, I got to thinking about which one I liked the best. My gut reaction is Eric/Feeny, and we've all spoken at great length about how wonderful they were together in seasons 3 and 4. But then at the end of the finale when Shawn says "You never gave up on me," that hit me so hard and made me wonder if maybe Shawn/Feeny is the best. It's never quite as strong as Eric/Feeny, but it pops up throughout most of the series, as early as The Fugitive in season 1, while Eric/Feeny is mostly restricted to 3 and 4. We also have to consider Shawn/Cory, which is of course the backbone of all seven seasons, and at times is as emotional as Eric/Feeny. Shawn/Cory is lovable, emotional, and hysterical for the entire series, but it never really inspires me the way the two Feeny relationships do. So yeah. I don't know if I have an answer for this one yet. Maybe I'll just have to watch the series a few more times.

That brings up an interesting point. One of the biggest questions I thought about while I worked on this blog was whether or not I'd still want to watch the show when I was done, whether this deep analysis and criticism would exhaust my interest in it. I can say with 100% certainty that I still want to watch the show. Some of the episodes I'll probably never watch again, except maybe when that creeping thought of "was it really that bad?" works its way into my head. Others, I don't think I could ever grow tired of. So I present today's first list, in chronological order (here's the full list of episodes if you want to play along

Infinitely Watchable Episodes

Season 1: Father Knows Less, Cory's Alternative Friends, Santa's Little Helper, Boy Meets Girl (4 total)

Season 2: Back 2 School, Pairing Off, Me and Mr. Joad, The Uninvited ("It's a geek party!!"), The Beard, Turnaround, Breaking Up Is Really, Really Hard To Do, Pop Quiz, Career Day (9 total)

Season 3: He Said, She Said, This Little Piggy, The Last Temptation of Cory, City Slackers, A Kiss Is More Than A Kiss ("BORIS college?") The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter, Stormy Weather, I Never Sang For My Legal Guardian, Brother Brother (9 total)

Season 4: Hair Today, Goon Tomorrow ("He's the good lookin guy!"), I Ain't Gonna Spray Lettuce No More, Shallow Boy, Janitor Dad, Turkey Day, An Affair to Forget, Easy Street, B & B's B 'n B, Chick Like Me, Uncle Daddy, Quiz Show, Security Guy (12 total)

Season 5: How To Succeed in Business, Last Tango In Philly, Raging Cory, The Eskimo, Heartbreak Cory, And Then There Was Shawn, Eric Hollywood, Things Change, Graduation (9 total)

Season 6: We'll Have A Good Time Then, Can I Help To Cheer You?, Bee True (3 total)

Season 7: It's About Time, She's Having My Baby Back Ribs, Brotherly Shove, Brave New World (4 or 5 total)

Season 4 has the most, which I could have told you from the day I started this blog. It has always been my favorite, and probably always will be. The characters are in that sweet-spot-age where they're young enough to make bad decisions and learn from them (hello seasons 2 and 3) but also old enough to tackle more mature issues and look at life outside high school (where season 5 is strongest). That brings us to our second list.

Season Ranking4, 3, 5, 2, 7, 1, 6

The hardest choice is between 3 and 5. They're both really strong for different reasons, and they both have weaknesses as well. For example, 5 has The Apartment, but it also has Jack. 3 has Mister Turner, but it also has Eli. The things that finally made me choose season 3 are my undying, irrational fondness for The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter (and Dana in general, while we're stuck with Angela in season 5) and the presence of Jason. But like I said, the difference is negligible, 3 and 5 are about equal.

Season 4 is definitely first, though, and 2 is definitely fourth, but 7 and 1 were also tough to choose between. It's either nonsense episodes as kids or nonsense episodes as adults. They both have incredibly strong episodes (e.g. Father Knows Best and Brotherly Shove) but also a large amount of crap. I almost want to put season 1 ahead just because you can chalk up the bad episodes to the showrunners' inexperience. By season 7, they really ought to have known better...

But yeah. I'd be surprised if anyone could argue for season 6 not being the worst. They had to break my heart to get two of those episodes on the list. Bee True is the only season 6 episode that gets there just by being fun and entertaining.

Speaking of worst, let's look at that next. This is another point for season 4, not one of those episodes would make a Bottom 10 list, maybe not even Bottom 20. Even Cult Fiction is good before the last scene. I'm not sure if I realized it at the time, but it's really just another father figure story. That episode tells us so much about Shawn, and I love that Feeny and Alan both fight so hard for him. It's really pretty great until Shawn starts yelling at the ceiling. But that's neither here nor there. Rather than rank the episodes one by one, since that's next to impossible and way too subjective, I'm just going to group them (the top group is least watchable, and the bottom group is more watchable, if that's not clear from the group titles). And remember, there's no particular order inside each group.

Worst Episodes

Literally Nothing Redeemable
What A Drag!

Never Ever Watch Again
As Time Goes By
The Honeymooners
No Guts, No Cory
Hogs and Kisses
Grandma Was A Rolling Stone

Pretty God Damn Bad
You're Married You're Dead
And in Case I Don't See Ya...
Show Me The Love (Part 1)
For Love and Apartments (Part 2)
Starry Night
The Happiest Show On Earth
Who's Afraid of Cory Wolf?
I Was A Teenage Spy

Guilty Pleasures
The Fugitive
The Witches of Pennbrook
First Girlfriends' Club

There's a lot of room between Pretty God Damn Bad and Guilty Pleasures, room where most of season 6 lives, but I wanted to include the Guilty Pleasures for fun. I'M SORRY THAT I LIKE FIRST GIRLFRIENDS' CLUB, OKAY? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? AN APOLOGY? I'M FUCKING SORRY, I CAN'T HELP IT.

I rewatched Who's Afraid of Cory Wolf just now because I wanted to be sure about it, and it's not nearly as bad as those top two categories. I thought it was, but if you go watch it now with seasons 6 and 7 fresh in your mind, it's really not even close to being the worst. What A Drag, however, is definitely the worst. With the time travel episodes you can always say "well none of that actually happened," but What A Drag is canon. That is part of the official Boy Meets World lore. And that hurts deep.

So we've already got the Infinitely Watchable list, but I can narrow it down further. It's a given that every Infinitely Watchable episode is hilarious and fun. So for this list, something in particular has to make it stand out in addition to those to qualities. The lines are blurry and subjective for most of the Infinitely Watchables, but there are three episodes that deserve the spotlight for being outstanding displays of character relationships and individual character development.

Best Episodes

Security Guy - Feeny/Eric, and Alan/Eric, and Feeny/The Three. Thanks for playing. 
The Eskimo - Feeny/The Three with an emphasis on Feeny/Shawn, as well as strong Cory/Shawn moments. Also one of the only good Eric/Jack bonding episodes.
An Affair To Forget - This might surprise you because I haven't mentioned it nearly as much as the two episodes above. I gave it a great review, and I chose that banner at the top of the blog for a reason, but it only dawned on me in the last couple weeks that this episode isn't just great, it's perfect. As perfect as Eskimo and Security Guy. This is the premier showing of the Cory/Shawn bromance and every second of it is magic. It is abundantly clear that they love each other in a way we never see between Cory and Topanga. But that doesn't stop Topanga from helping Shawn (and the audience) understand that a girlfriend shouldn't keep you from your friends (a life lesson, you might say). What really sets this one apart from future bromance episodes is that Shawn isn't competing with Topanga. In the future, once Cory and Topanga have been soulmated™, it's presented as Shawn vs. Topanga, and littered with Topanga making frustrated faces to the sound of canned laughter. But in this episode it's not a competition. Topanga just wants to help. Meanwhile, Eric is putting on his one man show. He believes in himself, he dreams, and he tries. He fails, ultimately, but Feeny is there to help him pick up the pieces and he offers Eric some genuine, meaningful advice. This episode has everything

It's no coincidence that those three episodes highlight the three relationships I was talking about at the beginning of the post.

 It's really hard to choose any more "best episodes". I wanted to include City Slackers in that list, but Eric's story, as much as I love it, is ultimately meaningless, and that sets it apart from those three. But if we allow the influence of personal bias...

ConfidenceKBM's Biased Top 10

God Tier
Security Guy
The Eskimo
An Affair To Forget

Painfully Close to God Tier
City Slackers

Eric Hollywood
Last Tango In Philly
Shallow Boy
The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter
Pop Quiz

Like I said, it's a biased list. There's a WORLD of wiggle room in Essential. Pretty much everything from Infinitely Watchable could make it into Essential. Those are really just the ones I've watched the most. My top 4 are set in stone, but I don't think I could pick a #5.

And I think that's all I've got to say about Boy Meets World. Well that's a lie, I could say a hundred thousand more things, but at a certain point it would devolve into a sort of rambling, fanatic rant.

I'm looking to do a cooperative writeup for Girl Meets World starting on the next episode in March with long-time commenter Christian. We've got extremely similar views on Boy Meets World, and I like his writeups for GMW, so we're gonna have a go at it. If you want to see me review season 1 of Girl up to now, I'm happy to do it: "I don't like it in general but Maya makes it tolerable and Shawn made it all worth it." There you go, there's the first season. Either way, this isn't the last you'll see of me, hopefully.

As always, I'd love to hear what you think about the show in the comments, but I suppose this is also the time to get emotional. There is absolutely no way in the universe I could have gotten through this without you guys. I wanted to quit so many times, especially after season 5. I seriously considered just taking requests for seasons 6 and 7, but you all deserved better than that, and your support and virtual pats-on-the-back are honestly the only reason I made it through all the garbage episodes. I never thought I'd get to meet people who love this show as much as I do, or that I would ever get the chance to open my heart about it, but here you all are. Reading the comments has always been my favorite part. I've spent the last ten-odd years boiling over with thoughts and feelings about this amazing show, and I've finally got them all out in the open. I like to think that this blog was a place for you to get that out as well. Like how Shawn uses poetry to get his feelings out, except not a bunch of bull shit.

Three important things that came out of this blog:
1) We all got to see that INSANE clip of Cory and Shawn on Jacobs's other show.
2) Undeniable proof that Topanga is in love with Eric.
3) Dancing Guy.

Every one of you has my undying gratitude. Every time I watch this show from now on I'll think you. This was an experience that we all got to have together, a real group adventure, and I can't describe how grateful I am that this is a part of my life. I want to give a special shoutout now. After my review of the very first episode, someone commented on the reddit post telling me that I had made a fan, and that they were going to follow my blog. I don't remember the exact words, but that was the essence of it. So if by some twist of fate you still follow the blog, First Fan, I want you to know that I wouldn't be here without you. Now of course that doesn't diminish everyone else's support, you're all fucking amazing and this blog wouldn't exist without you guys. Every "nice review," every "yeah this episode sucked," every "I'm looking forward to...", everything, it all gives me such an unbelievable feeling.

I believed in myself, I dreamed, and I tried. I love Boy Meets World, and I love you all. Blog dismissed.

Thanks for reading.

Episode 7x23 'Brave New World (Part 2)"

The "Last Time on Boy Meets World" not only shows us clips of the previous episode, but also bits of the flashbacks from the last episode. It's pretty unnecessary. It's not a big deal, obviously, but any time they spend showing other flashbacks could have been used to show parts of Eric's journey to college instead. Like, if they were hurting for content, they should have shown that! I'll never let that go, I'm sorry.

The first actual exchange of the episode is between Eric and Alan. Russ does his "hiding how sad I am" voice to tell Eric that he won't miss him. I don't know where that leaves us. It seems like they want me to believe that the total parent-to-son disrespect of the last two seasons was all in good fun, that they were always just messing with each other. But I don't believe that for a second. What makes it harder is the clip reel showing us the best moments between Alan and Eric from Security Guy and Raging Cory. Amy gets the same treatment with clips of their creative writing class together in How To Succeed In Business. Eric had awesome relationships with his parents up through season 5, but then right at the beginning of season 6 (episode 3, in particular) they go out of their way to avoid him at Pennbrook, "He doesn't know we're here does he?" And it continues like that for two seasons. The previous episode, part 1 of the series finale, used Amy's lack of caring about Eric as a punchline, and what, now I'm supposed to forget all of that? Sorry, can't do it. Those clips were all awesome, it's just hard to reconcile them with the way Eric's been treated lately.

Amy: "Don't you dare get Topanga pregnant until you're absolutely ready."
Eric: "I won't."

You may not know this, but big daddy rocks.

Next up is Jack and Shawn. They barely have any brother moments, so instead of clips we get Chet's ghost showing up in here in the kitchen while the boys talk. Unlike his previous appearances, neither Jack nor Shawn can actually see or hear his ghost. And honestly that makes it even weirder. It means that every time Chet talks, Shawn and Jack are just pausing their conversation and staring at each other.

Jack admits that he admires Shawn for his "money doesn't matter" way of life, and this admission inspires Jack to join the Peace Corps with Rachel. One of the comments (I would say who, but I can't seem to find it now...) suggested that Jack was being sarcastic when he said he wanted to join the Corps in the previous episode. I thought that at first, but then Jack adds on a point about sticking it to his stepfather, which made me think he was serious. This scene, however, pretty much guarantees that he wasn't being serious the first time.

Rachel comments "You're giving up your stepfather's money..." He was already cut off, but I guess she means that he's giving up the chance to get it back by working with his stepfather. I don't know. Chet is incredulous that Jack would give up that kind of money. I have to reiterate how weird it is. Watch this scene and imagine that every time Chet speaks, it's just silence in the kitchen. They're all just kind of looking at each other.

Chet is always funny and it's wonderful that they got him for this episode. After his tirade about money, he realizes how proud he is of his boys.

It is kind of unsatisfying that they can just bring Chet back whenever they want and have him state explicitly how he feels. Like I said, it's always nice to see him, but it cheapens his death in my opinion.

Arite here's the scene that no one likes. I don't wanna watch it. I've got ten minutes left in the very last episode and I still can't bring myself to watch it. Gotta check reddit, watch an episode of Friends, oh hey House of Cards new season, better watch a couple of those...

Why is Michael Jacobs's kid here? Joshua should be just over a year old, but here he is at least 3 or 4. Maybe they induced a miracle so that Joshua could have a conversation with Cory? Well then they shouldn't have used this kid because he doesn't know how to say his lines. He doesn't really even have any, he just says "okay" and "yeah" and stuff, it's so fucking difficult to watch. If they wanted a scene where Cory just talks at Joshua, they should have used the correct-age baby Joshua. He would have said exactly as many coherent things as Jacobs's son did.

STOP LOOKING AT THE CAMERA. STOP RUINING THE FINALE OF ONE OF MY FAVORITE SHOWS. And don't blame it on his age. Original Morgan was Meryl Streep compared to this guy. Maybe they just didn't have the budget for literally anyone else, so they had to use him. A mystery for the ages.

It's a shame because I like what Cory has to say here about growing up, but it's just so hard to focus with this kid's completely insane facial expressions. It worked in 7x09 when he "saw dead people" because he was supposed to be creepy. He's doing pretty much the exact same thing here in this scene, it's such a mess. I have no idea how this happened.

Cory: "Boy meets world... Now I get it."

That line makes it all worth it though.

Everybody makes their way outside to the patio (Joshua is inside for good now) and oddly enough, Rachel and Jack head off without a word. The others are going somewhere very mysterious where "he" will be waiting, and Cory is left to say goodbye to his family.

We get a couple clips from season 1 between Cory and Alan. This pairing deserved better treatment. As Cory says goodbye to Morgan, she gets two clips as well, and they take up about the same amount of time as Alan's. That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I do like what they did with Morgan though. She doesn't try to be snarky or funny, she just tells Cory to take care of himself. Definitely the right way to go.

It's time for the last scene in Mister Feeny's classroom. Feeny himself enters first, followed by Topanga, Cory, Shawn, and Eric. The first three take the same seats they always had in high school, which is just beautiful. The decision to leave out Jack, Rachel, and Angela was entirely necessary and hardly needs mentioning. It wasn't even much of a decision, I think everyone knew this is how the last scene had to look.

The students ask Feeny if he has anything left to teach them, and he explains that he does not, and that they're all ready to go meet the world. He does have some parting advice for them though.

Feeny: "Believe in yourselves. Dream. Try. ....Do good."

That is my favorite Feeny line in the entire series, and perhaps the most inspirational moment I've ever seen on television. A lot of that comes from the lack of cliches. There's no "you can be anything," or "you can have anything if you work hard enough," or "the power of love," none of that. Just very real, personal advice, Hearing "try" makes me think back to The Eskimo where the students thought Feeny just wanted Shawn to try, but that wasn't so. The trying was meaningless if Shawn didn't also believe in himself and dream of something bigger. And in Security Guy, Eric certainly had the dream of going to college, but he needed to believe in himself and try as well. We can look at Topanga's recent journey as well. She believed in herself and tried as hard as she could, but she also needed the dream of something bigger (this job in new york) in order to keep growing. There are other examples, but you get the point. You gotta have all three. That line from Feeny is perfectAnd of course doing good speaks for itself.

As Eric says, there's only one thing left to take care of.

Eric: "Tell us you love us."

I have to point out that Feeny told Eric he loved him back at Feeny's wedding, but rather than detracting from this scene I think it just adds to that scene at his wedding.

It's time for everyone to hug Mister Feeny and say goodbye. The actors are all crying at this point, as am I. I think it was Rider who said that they only did one take of this because everyone was crying for real. It's all overwhelmingly emotional. I doubt I'll ever be able to watch this without getting choked up. Topanga and Cory both have nice things to say, but Eric's and Shawn's lines stand pretty high above the other two since they had real development arcs with Feeny.

Shawn: "You never gave up on me. Never once."

Feeny offers Shawn a handshake but Shawn goes for the hug instead, it's a nice touch. Obviously I have to mention City Slackers. You see that moment and you want to go watch City Slackers, and then The Eskimo, and everything in between. Rider is completely falling apart here, it adds this raw power that you can't get just by acting. It tears me apart, every time.

Eric: "I'm gonna be a good person, who cares about people. And I blame you for that."

The audience laughs when he says "I blame you for that" but it kinda just... makes me cry... I think it's way more emotional than funny. But that's fine. Eric has thanked Feeny for his help getting into college on multiple occasions, and it's been two seasons since then, so this was the right thing to do, to look at how Feeny has affected Eric's future rather than his past.

Cory's up last, and there's really not much there except for Feeny revealing that his real name is Cornelius. They have a wonderful goodbye hug, and once the students have all left, Mister Feeny gives the last line of the series.

Feeny: "I love you all.... Class dismissed."

And there we have it. Everyone loves this episode despite the Joshua nonsense, and it's not hard to see why. It drags out every emotion that a series finale should. As I said in the last post, a lot of series have a climax in their finale, and then a rushed conclusion in the last few minutes. This finale was all ending, all closure. It's damn close to perfect. This last scene is definitely the best scene of the season, and one of the best of the series. It captures that feeling from the earlier seasons, and that's no surprise since it was so focused on school life. 

I'm going to make a sort of Epilogue post tomorrow. I'll talk about my final thoughts on the series as a whole, and on the blog and the future. There will probably be a few top 10 or top 5 lists, and I'm excited to see your own lists and final thoughts in the comments. I've also got some news about a project for Girl Meets World that I'm looking to be involved with. A lot of you have had really kind words as we reached the end, and that means the world to me. If you want to add your own, I would absolutely love to see them, and I love everything that's been said so far, but I'd prefer to see it on the post tomorrow, if that's okay. Just so we can talk about this episode on this post.

I hope to see you all on that post tomorrow! Either way, thank you for reading.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Episode 7x22 "Brave New World (Part 1)"

It's hard not to get sentimental in this last week, but let's try to keep it wrapped up until the end. We'll call it a tribute to Shawn Hunter, us bottling up our feelings.

The first scene has Cory yell-explaining to Shawn and Eric that he doesn't want to go to New York. There's that lighthearted guitar music in the background to show us this isn't supposed to be some dramatic conflict. And you know what? That's perfect. I hate coming into a series finale with some great conflict to be resolved in the last ten minutes. There's no marriage or confession of love, no baby being born, no fight to the death. It's not a climax, is what I'm saying. We're just saying goodbye and remembering the good times.

First up to bat is the Cory-Topanga set of flashbacks. Oh, it's only two. Well they're good ones, when Topanga wants to see if her and Cory's energies converge, and when she kisses him for the first time in Cory's Alternative Friends. In Real Time, Jack shows up to inform everyone that he's joining the Peace Corps. What, like you need a reason? Then Topanga arrives to tell Cory that she doesn't want to go to New York after all. Cory's pretty damn excited, so we get a little montage of him and Shawn cheering in unison throughout the series. And then they dance.

We'll keep a running list. So far we've got
*The roots of Cory+Topanga, and
*The child-like excitability of Shawn and Cory.

In The Backyard, Eric invents the final Feeny Call of the series, prompting clips of
*The Feeny Call throughout time.
There are a handful missing though, in particular the one from Playswith Squirrels. There's a compilation of all of them on youtube though.

Feeny finally admits that he loves the Feeny Call, which makes every fan's heart swell up with joy. And of course he made the pull-string Eric doll as a gift for his old mentor.

I actually never noticed until now, but Eric very casually pulls the doll out of that grill next to him. How long did he hide that thing in the grill? That's pretty funny.

Back on track, Eric asks Feeny to give Cory "the usual," which in this case is
*Advice from across the fence while Feeny gardens.
There's only two little clips of it, but we can take this to represent the general act of Feeny giving life advice to Cory. Feeny explains that he moved one of his plants from a pot in the living room to the plot here in his yard.

Cory: "Because you thought it would to better out here."
Feeny: "No, because I thought if I left it in there... it would stop growing."

This plant metaphor refers to the possibility that Topanga will stop growing if she has to stay here in Philly. Feeny explains further that whats stopping her isn't her concern for Cory, but rather her fear of failure. There's something else here that's very important and is mentioned very quickly. Feeny doesn't come right out and say it, but he heavily implies that the reason Topanga didn't go to Yale wasn't because of Cory after all, but rather this fear of going to a new and unfamiliar place. I didn't remember that part of the conversation, and no one ever mentioned it in the comments, so maybe this slipped through the cracks for a lot of people. Do you folks buy this? That Topanga only claimed to be staying for Cory? That would mean her proposing to Cory was an anchoring maneuver to not have to face her fears at Yale. It seems kind of slapdash to me, and it changes a pretty massive part of their history. I kinda dig it though. It's interesting, and I feel like I'm learning something new about this series I've seen a thousand times.

Right, so now Cory has decided to help his wife leave her metaphorical living room plant-pot, and head to the garden of New York. New Jersey is the garden state, but that's not important. He reaction gives no indication that she was afraid, but whatever. We get some clips of
*The storied romance of Cory and Topanga,
from 3x01 up through Starry Night and Graduation, skipping over their breakup in The Grass Is Always Greener, but including the Lauren Arc (without any actual footage of Lauren, oddly enough).

It's another solid clip reel, but I can't believe they left out both instances of Topanga drawing a heart on her face with lipstick. Not just solid, but long, four whole minutes showing us their journey up to Topanga proposing at the graduation ceremony. It's still  not done, actually, as we get a quick recap of the wedding arc, including Eric setting the curtains on fire which is always a treat, and ending with a clip of them exchanging vows. So all said and done it was actually six minutes. Shawn better get six minutes too.

Back in Real Time, we do in fact get Topanga admitting that she's scared of failing. I expected Cory to insist that she won't fail because she never fails, but that's not what happens. Even now, in the very last episode, the show impresses me by defying my expectations. So Cory explains that if she fails, he'll still be immensely proud of her for taking a risk for what she wants and for having the courage to face her fears. It's one of the best things he says to her in the whole series. A+.  

Cory: "And if you fail, I think there's a real chance I'll love you even more."

You know, it's scenes like this that make me look back at the "Topanga's parents divorce" arc and hate it even more than I did at the time. Topanga and her interactions with Cory have been absolutely delightful for the last chunk of season 7. It's a shame we had to get through so much crap to get here.

In The Backyard, the showrunners decide to remind us that Morgan is a character on the show. She's equipped with her usual snark, because that's pretty much the only characteristic they thought of in the three and a half seasons since Ridgeway took over the role. Amy is, according to Morgan, "psycho" over the relocation to New York.

Alan: "Morgan don't call your mother psycho, it's... not nice..."

Amy is apparently pacified when Alan points out that Eric will be going to New York as well. I thought we were done with that running gag where Eric's parents don't respect him at all, but here it is. That's a shame.

For reasons unknowable, Jack and Rachel are hanging out nearby in the kitchen, and Jack learns that Rachel has decided to join the Peace Corps. So you're telling me they both came to this decision completely independent of the other? I'm calling shenanigans. It was Rachel's idea in the previous episode, and there's no way he would have considered going by himself. He must have already known somehow. Whatever, it's not important. We get some clips of Jack, Rachel, and Eric doing this and that, but it's short since nothing important ever happened with Rachel. Except maybe the end of Seven The Hard Way, BUT THEY LEFT THAT OUT.

The rest of the gang make their way into the kitchen, and Eric and Topanga have evidently maintained the bond we saw in She's Having My Baby Back Ribs as they put their arms around each other while Eric explains his excitement about New York.

Eric: "Nobody knows me there, I can be anybody I wanna be."
Topanga: "I want you to be Eric."

WOAHOHOHAOHAHOAHHHHHHHHH. Break out your tinfoil hats people, this train is leaving the station! Look at that last frame,

Big. Daddy. Rocks. To follow up on Topanga's comment, we get to see some clips of
*Eric's shenanigans,
and is it a coincidence that the first two are strictly between him and Topanga? YOU DECIDE. Other than feeding that conspiracy theory, I don't think they picked the right clips for this at all. This is supposed to be THE Eric highlight reel, and aside from a two second clip from Shallow Boy (which I absolutely adore), they're all from seasons 6 and 7, which means they're all just punchlines where he's a total idiot. What. The fuck? I'm asking honestly right now, what the fuck is this? Eric has moved me to tears how many times and they want to show him getting struck by lightning in The Union? Yes most of these clips are funny, but he's so much moreeeeeeee. How could they do thisssss, this isn't how he should be remembered. We already had an "Eric is funny" reel with the Feeny Call earlier, and Topanga is specifically being sentimental, she knows he has a good heart, but we don't see any of that in these clips. This is a bottom-line failure by the showrunners. Yeah there's another set of clips in the next episode, but it's restricted to Eric's relationship with Alan. What about Eric and Cory? What about Eric and Feeny?

Up next is ANOTHER set of Eric clips, this time the story of his friendship with Jack. But this too is just focusing on Eric being silly. Nothing from You Light Up My Union or Playswith Squirrels, the two most meaningful interactions between Eric and Jack. How could they do all this Eric stuff without a single clip from Seven The Hard Way when he single-handedly restores their group friendship? I'm just so confused how they chose these clips. There's nothing bad about them, but there are some seriously important moments that should have been here.

That is a nice picture though.

Finally, and most importantly, it's time to address
*Cory and Shawn, "the greatest friendship of all time."
Cory and Shawn are reduced to tears at the thought of saying goodbye to each other, it plays out very similar to the "WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT" bit at Cory's wedding, and it's equally lovable and hilarious. The clip reel comes on, including, among others, "You're Cory, I'm Shawn, just like it's always been. What else do you need to know?" which is a fantastic choice, I absolutely love that one, an excerpt from the library scene in An Affair To Forget, one of my all time favorites, the scene with the celery poster, "UNDAPANTS," and of course "THEY WANT YOU TO TAKE THE ROLLS!"

This one they got right. Only about three minutes worth of clips, but definitely the most enjoyable segment of the episode for me. It could have been one of Eric's segments with the right clips, but alas, Shawn and Cory are taking home the prize. Topanga, as it turns out, has packed up all of Shawn's stuff so he can move to New York with them, which I think makes up for her nonsense at the beginning of the season.

The episode ends with that bit from Cory's wedding where Shawn asks him if he "really likes" Topanga, which was an awesome idea.

I don't think there's any point in scoring these last two episodes, so let's just keep talking. It's completely insane to me that they only used clips from seasons 6 and 7 (except that Shallow Boy one) for the "I want you to be Eric" clip reel, but other than that this episode is basically perfect. They never even imply the existence of Angela, but if you weren't thinking about it you wouldn't even notice. You can totally feel the love between all the characters here at the end (especially Topanga and Eric woop woooooop). Alan is one of the most important characters in the show and he didn't get much attention, but that's fixed in Part 2, so...

I think that's all I've got to say for now. Again, I know it's tempting to get sentimental about the blog, I'm right there with you, but I do want to hear what you have to say about the actual episodes, so let's try to focus on that until we're done. Which is... terrifyingly soon. See you Friday.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Episode 7x21 "Angela's Ashes"

Okay here's something I BET you didn't know. Super duper monumental shoutout to commenter Jacob for sharing this with us in the comments of 7x20. Michael Jacobs had another show called Maybe This Time, and it was awful. In fact, one of the main characters, a young girl named Gracie, was a precursor to Riley on Girl Meets World in that she revealed Jacobs's affinity for girls who sound like they have stuffy noses. Seriously, listen, she sounds like Riley.  But that's not why we're here. In episode 15, "Acting Out," Gracie is having trouble with a friend who's getting peer pressured by some lame kids. As you can see here, she starts watching Boy Meets World. It's not a real episode of BMW obviously, this is a cameo by Ben and Rider as Cory and Shawn. They talk about how Shawn is actually a good person, like how Gracie's friend is a good person, so she gets the message. It's totally bizarre, Jacobs is using one show to teach a lesson to a character on his other show. That is an unheard of level of deus ex machina. Or rather, cornelius ex machina.

HOW FUCKING CRAZY IS THAT? I completely lost my mind over that. Thank you again, Jacob. There's more footage of them at the end and Feeny gets involved, sort of.

Wow. Just wow. Also Dane Cook is on that show. I didn't recognize him at first, but there he is.

There are two things you need to know. Topanga is one of 500 quarter-finalists for an internship at the prestigious New York law firm "Brown-Elliot," and Jack has a rich stepfather. I suppose it's fair to say that the writers finally chose a direction for Jack, but that's really just because of the time constraint. I'm sure if they had another four or five episodes after this they'd change him again.

Rich Stepfather is bankrolling Jack's new business venture, "" Or it could be "" Matthew Lawrence needs to enunciate. What he doesn't need is to be any more smug because he would probably just explode at that point. Eric shows up in his graduation gown to remind us that the timeline makes no sense, and Angela's dad comes on the scene as well. The Union is fully channeling the spirit of Chubbie's right now. I don't remember this guy's rank, I think he was a sergeant, so let's go with that. Apparently Sergeant Moore has been reassigned to Europe.

And here's the kicker, he wants Angela to go with him. Shawn shows up now too (of course) just after Sergeant Moore asks Angela, so Shawn doesn't know what's going on yet but he can feel the tension immediately.

I touched on it back in Angela's Men, but the dynamic between Shawn and Moore is fantastic. A mutual respect founded on strength of character. It was still fucking weird how involved Moore got in his daughter's love life, but if we can look past that, I love the way these two talk to each other. Actually, it's really Shawn and any father figure. Alan, Chet, Turner, Feeny... Then again, it's anyone with any father figure. That's really what the first five seasons were.

But that sort of talk is more suited to the next episode, so let's keep going. Angela explains the situation to Shawn, and it's clear that Cory is more interested in Shawn's situation than Topanga's potential internship. The final thread comes later when Jack gets a call from his stepfather (in The Union, for some reason) informing him that he's being "cut off." Rich Stepfather wants Jack to be an investment banker, but since Jack wants to make his narcissistic website "business" instead, he won't be getting financial support any longer. So there we go, there's our three plot threads.

At The Apartment, Cory is advising Shawn on his latest life changing problem. I will always prefer the old system where Shawn gave Cory advice about women, Ever since the beginning of season 5, when we first met Angela, things have been too Disney-soulmate-y for me. And we all spent a great deal of time raging at Cory for how he lectured Shawn around the time of Chasing Angela. I think that's a big reason why we loved the Lauren story so much, is that it was a return to reality from the Disney-soulmate territory. Anyway, this scene reminds me very much of that Cory, which makes me uncomfortable. Cory is supposed to know nothing and thus meet the world, so when the show tries to convince me that he knows everything about love, I'm not buyin it.

Shawn buys it though, and decides that he doesn't want Angela to go to Europe.

Shawn: "I've lost too many people that love me. I'm not lettin this one go."

Cory says some more shit about shoes, I don't really get it.

Here's the scene now where Jack gets disowned by his stepdad over the payphone at The Union. Wearing a surprisingly hilarious expression of defeat, Jack shuffles over to Rachel, who makes a passing comment about the appeal of joining the Peace Corps. So let's keep that in mind. She's pleasantly supportive of Jack when he explains the situation. This is exactly the sort of thing they should have STARTED with. This is an EXCELLENT jumping off point for Jack, and Rachel's supportive reaction was the perfect way to kickstart their dynamic. That's literally the best thing I've seen between those two in the series. That exchange was the best thing. Why the fuck did they save this until the end of the series? Very frustrating.

Topanga went through another round of interviews this morning, and Cory initially tries to pay attention and show he cares. But as soon as Shawn walks in the door he dismisses her again. Shawn's toast at the wedding was very nice, and it looked to hold true for a little while, but it's clear as day by now that Cory will always care more about Shawn than Topanga. And those two episodes of Girl Meets World pretty much confirmed that.

Shawn finds Angela outside. Everything seems neatly wrapped up when she says "I could never leave you," up until she qualifies it with "... unless you said I could go." Pretty much the perfect setup, thumbs up to the writers.

 Two days later, Shawn arrives at The Dorm to, I don't know, hang out with Cory. Naturally they immediately start talking about the situation with Angela, and Shawn explains that he's basically resigned and just wants to enjoy the time he has left with her. Shawn actually knows Angela, and clearly understands the situation, but Cory, who has never had an actual conversation with Angela, insists that he knows better and gives Shawn some bad advice. Admittedly, his first round of advice was good, but this time he's talking out of his ass. It's intentional by the writers, though. Cory explains that you have to pay attention to women to "pass their tests," and he then proceeds to pay absolutely no attention to Topanga yet again. And she's being so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute and sweet, it honestly breaks my heart that Cory doesn't give a shit about her interviews.

Shawn is convinced that he has to tell Angela to stay, but he only finds Sergeant Moore at Angela's Dorm. There's an emotional confrontation here, deserving of some comment. Shawn has always had to watch things get taken away from him, watch people leave. So you can feel the weight of his decision to stand up and say "not this time." My only complaint is that he didn't do it on his own. Why oh why oh why did Shawn need Cory to tell him to do this? Whether or not it's the right thing to do, the writers are having him do it, but it seems so obvious that he should have reached this decision on his own.

This scene is really well written, giving another reason to love the dynamic between Shawn and Papa Moore, right up until Shawn says he's going to ask Angela to marry him. Marriage as a tool to tie someone down is sort of despicable, so I think that's a pretty low blow from Shawn. Not a fan. Sarge concedes that he'll step out of the way if Angela wants to marry Shawn, and that's when Angela finally shows up.

As an aside, it's funny that Moore is so much taller than Shawn, his head gets cut out of the shot every time the camera is centered on Shawn.

So yeah, Angela is here now, and Shawn tries to steer their conversation toward asking her to marry him. He's about to do it too, before she cuts in saying "You're the only person that knows how important it is for me and my dad to spend this time together."

Mobile users, you're missing out on that one. Rider sells the hell out of this, he looks absolutely devastated as Shawn realizes that he has to let her go. I may not be fully invested in the Shawn/Angela relationship, but I sure as hell am invested in Shawn. That look on his face kills me every single time, and the sad guitar music comes in at exactly the right moment. Who directed this... Fred Savage! No kidding! Well done, Freddy. This is my favorite moment for Shangela. And not because it's ending, I'm not that mean. It's because when Angela walks over to her dad there, and Shawn is left holding out his arm with that dead look in his eyes... for those few seconds, I actually believe it.

Angela: "What was it that you wanted to ask me?"
Shawn: "....Oh. Nevermind. I figured it out."

It's time for the final goodbyes at The Union. They make one last attempt at showing us Rachel and Angela's friendship. Eric hugs Angela and sings her a song, which is hilarious, and then asks her to hand out some fliers with his picture and phone number to the girls in Europe. It's a picture of his season 4/5 self, and the bottom of the flier says 1800 - CALLERIC, but get this, it's blurred out. They blurred out the phone number on the bottom of the fliers, look at this.

I could swear we saw those in another episode, but it's not Eric Hollywood or the one with his one-man play. Help me out here.

Topanga arrives just in time and we're like "oh right, they're supposed to be best friends." Not much else to say about this until Angela heads out the door for the last time. Shawn has had to deal with a lot of people leaving him in one way or another over the years. But this time he let them go, and that says a whole lot more about him than an audience-cheering happy ending could have said. Cory tells him not to spin out of control, and Shawn, for once, looks like he's going to be okay. This time, he's not going to spin out of control.

To wrap things up, we learn that Topanga got the Brown-Elliot internship, but that means they'll have to move to New York. Cory is acting like he's hearing about this for the very first time, which is more for comedy than drama, thank god. Topanga doesn't seem at all affected by the fact that Cory hasn't been paying attention this whole time. Cory, on the other hand, is very affected.

Plot0.5 - The continued emotional destruction of Shawn Hunter. Lots of groundwork being laid for the finale.

Character Development1.0 - Shawn decides to take control of something. While he ends up making the selfless choice, he still made a choice. And so he's not going to "spin out of control" this time. And for the first and only time, I actually believed in Shangela.

Humor0.5 - It's not the most important part, but Cory and Eric do enough.

Life Lesson1.0 - There are more important things than your high school sweetheart.

3.0 out of 4.0. I'll never know why they did this episode separate from the finale. Both parts of the finale are mostly clips, they even do a segment for Rachel. So Angela is just completely left out, and Angela is unarguably more important than Rachel. If they had simply used fewer clips, they could have included the Angela story while also giving her some clip-time. Or hell, do this episode as the first of a three-part finale . It's just weird to me that Angela didn't get to be part of the clip show. Which is not to say I'm upset about it, just confused.

Thanks for reading, see you Wednesday.

All images used under Fair Use.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Episode 7x20 "As Time Goes By"


This episode is bad, we all know it's bad, and I have a lot of work I want to do today. On the other hand, we're at the very end of the series and I don't want to start shortchanging after we've come this far. So let's try to give it the full treatment, even though nobody cares.

The very first shot shows us what we'll be dealing with. It's supposed to be a noir film, with Eric as the narrating detective protagonist. Someone's been murdered, who we quickly learn is Topanga, and Eric aims to find the culprit among the noir film alter egos of the other characters. Except Morgan, obviously. Is it fair to say that I'm more interested in Morgan than Rachel? I don't think anyone's made that comparison yet, but it's not far off. Cory doesn't have an alter ego in this scene for some reason. He shows up pretty early in Noir Land and it's not some big reveal. I can't think of a good reason why he'd be left out of this scene.

Alter Feeny is wearing a fez, and Eric only addresses him as "fez head," so let's compromise and call him Feezy. Fezzy? Ehhhh I like Feezy. So Feezy tells Detective Eric that the murder victim (Alter Topanga) "got in the way," which is supposed to be ominous and symbolic, a la The Psychotic Episode. Cory symbolicaly killed everyone except Topanga in his dream in that episode, now Topanga is symbolically dying in what may or may not be time travel. I admit that that sounds like a decent enough premise.

In reality, Cory is overreacting to road runner cartoons instead of writing a paper, the same paper that Topanga's been working on all day. Cory's got a bowl of popcorn to much on while he writes, and there's about ten times more popcorn on the floor than in his stomach. Topanga is somehow bewildered by Cory's behavior, even though she's known him her whole life and he has always been this way. I don't know what she expected when she married him.

Cory tries to convince his wife to watch cartoons with him, but she thinks Cory needs to be more responsible, to have "more stress" in his life. The next exchange is important, so I'll just write it out.

Cory: "You think I should make everyone nuts by being a stressed out control freak until everyone wants to kill me?"
Topanga: "Oh, you wanna kill me?"
Cory: "No... I'm just talkin about, you know, everyone that knows you."

And like we saw in Boy Meets Noir a minute ago, everyone she knows was standing around her dead body. Not exactly subtle, but there it is. Topanga finds a cabinet in the closet whose contents remind Topanga of the "time continuum vortex things we're studying in physics." It's troubling that the audience doesn't laugh at that. Either way the vortex sucks her in to Noir Land.

Rory's Shangri La Cafe, where people come for many reasons, "but stay for just one, to forget." This first scene is actually pretty fun as we meet the Noir versions of all the characters. In particular are William Russ doing a hilarious evil-guy voice for his character "Costello," and Rider's character Isaac "Goodshot" Kelly, who simply wandered into the bar yesterday and never left, and now he's tending bar. He pours a shot, but of course no one drinks it because that would be morally reprehensible.

Okay this is already better than No Guts, No Cory, so that's officially my least favorite episode. Everything is going to go to shit very quickly here, but these character introductions were fun.

We meet Cory's alter ego Rory, who of course owns the Cafe, and he immediately takes a liking to Topanga, but she can't remember who she is. Aaaaaaand now I'm bored. You had a good run, As Time Goes By.

So Topanga goes to Detective Eric for help finding out her identity. Rachel is Eric's secretary or something.

Topanga can hear Eric's narration for some reason. It seems like every scene had someone burst into the writers room like "hey wouldn't it be funny if..." and they didn't really even think about it before putting it into the episode.

Everyone's back at Rory's Shangri La Cafe again, and it's hard to explain what's going on. Normally when I write these reviews I just focus on the important details, the things that are moving the plot forward. But almost none of this is important, there's nothing to say except that Eric thinks he has a lead on Topanga's case, and she was starting to forget that she even had a case. There's this afwul, awful, cancel-the-show-it's-so-bad recurring gag with piano playing noir Jack, where he hears someone speak famous song lyrics and immediately thinks about turning the words into a song. He always decides against it though, and the audience fucking loves it.

Rory spontaneously proposes to Topanga and she accepts. Yeah that's about par for the course on this show.

 Detective Eric asks Topanga if she knows what a time continuum vortex is. This jolts her memory, causing flashes of all the stressful goings on of her real life, but she chooses to remain here in what we now know is her escapist fantasy. I want to point out that Topanga's fantasy casts both Rachel and Angela as complete morons. Best friends indeed. This would actually have been interesting if everyone was a caricature of how Topanga views them. The only one that really works is Cory as Mister Suave and Handsome, and mayyyyyyyyyybe Shawn because of the whole alcohol thing.

I would really like to see that episode honestly, but we got this instead, so let's keep going.

Real Topanga starts seeping in through the cracks here as she gets irritated by Rory's poor grammar, and again when she's clearly unimpressed by Rory's career as a "dandy". Jack writes an original song and we're supposed to care but we don't.

After the fade out, everybody at Rory's got the blues. Topanga has managed to bring down everyone's good time with her grammar and political correctness and penchant for responsibility. Feezy decides that "the interloper must die." So here we are, just like Cory said earlier, everyone wants to kill Topanga for ruining their good time.

Noir Shawn: "That dame is poison, I tell ya."
Noir Angela: "Don't say 'dame'."
Noir Amy: "It's offensive."

Perhaps the very worst thing about all of this is the voice Trina McGee has been doing as Noir Angela. It's like that cutesy baby ditzy voice that people thought was endearing in like the 20's.

Eric sets off to, I don't know, vaguely find a way to fix the problem, when he passes a ringing phone booth.

Detective Eric: "Hello? Vortex who?"

So Detective Eric wibbles into the real world where Cory is still watching cartoons. What is this? I thought we were doing an escapist fantasy thing, why is Real Cory getting involved now? Why are we so flippantly using this time vortex thing? I don't need to explain to you why this is ridiculous, I think we're all on the same page right now.

Real Cory heads back into Noirville with Detective Eric, but they're too late. Topanga's already been murdered. Cory confronts Rory for murdering Topanga, and Rory explains that she was ruining his good time, ruining everybody's good time and their whole way of life. So now I'm thinking that this was actually Cory's fantasy and he's about to learn a lesson. Cory explains to Rory that Topanga's changes to their lives would always be for the better, like studying instead of watching cartoons, so it definitely looks like this is Cory's fantasy after all.

Yeah it's not though. The fantasy wibbles out of existence with the camera centered on Topanga, so it was definitely her fantasy. Cory decides to start working on his paper, but Topanga tells him not to so they can watch cartoons together.

Excuse me? That's what she learned? To be less responsible so that she doesn't piss off her stupid lazy friends? She learned to watch cartoons so that her husband doesn't want to murder her? In all seriousness, this episode is clearly about not working so hard as to forget to enjoy your life, but then what was the point of having Topanga murdered? Why was the episode centered on a murder mystery if the murder had nothing to do with the resolution?

And like I said, the other characters in Rory's Shangri La Cafe were totally worthless. William Russ was given an inch and he took a mile with his character, so he deserves praise for making something out of absolutely nothing, but even he ultimately contributed nothing. This could have been really interesting if they wrote the characters in Topanga's fantasy as exaggerated versions of how she sees them, like I was talking about before, so that was a huge missed opportunity. Everything about this was a miss.

Plot0 - The main plot (the murder mystery) and the resolution (Topanga taking time to smell the flowers) have nothing to do with each other. It's unbelievably disconnected. They had two ideas and just cut them both in half to Frankenstein this episode together.

Character Development0.5 - Topanga takes time to enjoy a cartoon with her husband. She's always been a perfectionist so this has been a long time coming. It just seems like they threw it in here at the very end to get it out of the way without much thought.

Humor0.5 - Eric's narration hit a few good notes, William Russ was a highlight, not much else.

Life Lesson0 - If you annoy your friends too much, they'll kill you.

1.0 out of 4.0. Still better than No Guts, No Cory.

Thanks for reading, see you Monday.

All images used under Fair Use.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Episode 7x19 "Brotherly Shove"

The three youngest heroes are cleaning out the garage at the Matthews house, which allegedly hasn't been done in years. Cory is having trouble throwing any of his old stuff away. It's cute at first, like with his Strawberry Shortcake doll- "She's cute. She's my friend."- but then he finds his old retainer. It seems like almost every cleaning-up-old-stuff gag has someone find their old retainer. Am I crazy? Feels like I've seen this on a thousand other shows.

Shawn observes that half of this stuff is Eric's and questions his absence. Cory doesn't really have a good reason for not inviting Eric along, commenting that he'd rather do it with Shawn and Topanga anyway. TO BE FAIR, the insufferable klutz of a braindead zombie that Eric's been this season would undoubtedly make a gigantic mess and break everything. I wouldn't want to clean the garage with season 7 Eric either, highlighting once again how much he's changed since seasons 4 and 5.

Rider actually looks like he knows what he's doing with that sword.

Eric shows up now, and he is not happy. Apparently Alan wanted his sons to do this together (why not with Morgan huh? HUH?), meaning Cory blatantly ignored his father's wishes by going on without Eric. Your immediate reaction is to wonder how Cory could do something so cruel to his brother, but let's look at Eric's list of activities this season. He stalked Topanga for the sake of revenge, joined the Amish to escape a bookie, forgot Cory and Topanga's wedding rings, gave away The Union's money to an organ grinder, and was willing to kill Morgan for Alan's surprise party. In the positives column, Eric gave Cory his lucky penny and effectively saved all of their friendships in Seven The Hard Way.

Would you want that guy around? I dunnooooooooooooo.

Okay here we go, at The Union we've got Rachel and Angela sitting with each other on the couch engaged in some sort of dialogue. Yet another vain attempt at convincing us that these two are friends. There's even some jokes between them that the audience laughs at that just sort of make me hate the show.

By the pool table, Shawn and Jack agree to try to act more like brothers in light of what happened with Eric and Cory. Indeed, Shawn says that Eric got him thinking, which surprises Jack, and Shawn explains that Eric "seemed well rested." That's the running gag this episode, that Eric seems well rested simply because he's acting like a rational human being. So "well rested" is basically just code for "like season 5." It's kind of annoying, but I appreciate that the writers are aware enough to comment on such a drastic change in his personality.

Cory's at Brew Lagoon, so it's time for the second confrontation of the Matthews Brothers. Eric's clearly worried about his degrading relationship with his brother and thought this garage-cleaning would be a good chance to reconnect, it's very season 4/5, which means that I like it. Cory doesn't see the value of cleaning it together, so Eric spitefully resolves to just "get it done" by selling everything at a garage sale.

Eric: "Are you really sorry, or are you just sorry you got caught?"
Jack: "You're right, he does seem well rested."

Maybe all of our season 6/7 Eric woes are just due to perpetual sleep deprivation. Maybe he was taking night classes and that's how he's graduating so fast.

Later, at The Apartment, Shawn and Jack are trying desperately to find something they can enjoy together. Much like Angela and Rachel being friends, the writers are making a last ditch effort to remind us that Shawn and Jack are supposed to be brothers. We learned in A Very Topanga Christmas that they both love ice skating, but that means absolutely nothing on this show. It's spring time coming up on summer during this episode, but they could at least mention it. And Jack doesn't want to go bowling when Shawn suggests it, even though Jack liked bowling enough to ignore his girlfriend back in Last Tango In Philly. Grumble grumble grumble.

Eventually they just decide to go check out the Matthews' garage sale.

It's a nice day out here and the birds are chirping, contrasting with the tension between Eric and Cory. Eric has pretty much shut down and is putting cheap price tags on all their nostalgic artifacts with abandon. Including the sled that, as Cory reminds him, they took up to Dead Man's Hill one winter when the schools were closed. The same hill, I remind you, where Mitchell Davis crashed his bike and "slammed his head into some garbage cans", causing him to repeat the 6th grade eleven times (re: Season 4 Episode 8). It's amazing what details they'll preserve while completely dismissing others.

The three women show up with some of their own things to sell, with yet another attempt at portraying the "they're definitely friends" thing with Rachel and Angela. Simply because the writers hate him, Eric buys one of Rachel's old tank tops for fifty dollars. Why? Why did they include this? We were doing so well, Eric was looking so strong. This was totally unnecessary.

Topanga: "Why do you want Rachel's old tank top?"
Eric: "I'm a collector..."

Yeah Rachel laughs it off, and it seems like he might have just said it to be funny, but he still walks off with the tank top... He actually did pay fifty dollars for this tank top and is keeping it... It's weird.

The Hunter boys arrive eventuallly, making exaggerated laughs to make it seem like they're enjoying the other's company. It's actually pretty great, this is the best thing they've done with these two in a while. Stupid Eric makes a quick return when a customer wants to buy some fuzzy slippers. Eric ends up paying the customer for them instead. It's just like the tank top, we could have gotten on just fine without this. It's goes completely against the serious Eric that's critical to the story. Is NO ONE ELSE capable of pulling off a joke? They couldn't give him ONE episode of being serious?

The third confrontation between the brothers begins, but there's a third player this time. Some woman is constantly nagging Cory about the price of a picture frame while he's trying to talk to Eric, and eventually Cory snaps at her. The woman's husband comes to her defense and lands a right hook straight across Cory's chin. This, in turn, causes Eric to snap, delivering a few gutshots to this guy. It's a nice sentiment but it looks absolutely ridiculous. Why is this tank of a man letting Eric wail on him like this? Here's the gif, it loses a lot of its effect just because it's so stupid looking.

It's reminiscent of Eric showing up to help against Harley in the season 2 opener, against someone he similarly had no chance of beating. It's very sweet, but you also have a sister, Eric, and you were willing to let her die for a party. But if we ignore the entire season up to the the last few episodes, then yeah, this is awesome. Episodes 14 through 17 were all stellar showings from Eric, 18 was a little hiccup but still okay, and now this is great too. So let's just agree that episodes 1 through 13 aren't canon.

The tank of a man fires back at Eric, and soon the whole garage sale is one giant brawl.

The next scene opens in the Emergency Room, where Cory and Eric are icing their wounds. This is the fourth confrontation, and is, for me, one of the most memorable scenes between these two in the whole series.

Eric: "Dad wanted us to do that together, and you chose to leave me out. Those were OUR memories!"

I haven't watched this episode in years, and when I thought about it coming up, that's the only line I could remember. That line stuck with me since the first time I watched this episode. "Those were OUR memories!" The delivery is soul-shaking, and the context is overwhelming. He continues by asking "Do you have any idea how it felt to go down there and see Shawn and Topanga there instead of me?" This is especially cathartic since he was forced to set aside his own feelings of exclusion during The War. But here they are now, in all the glory that Rachel and Angela and Jack couldn't have hoped to achieve in The War.

Eric leaves, claiming that Cory doesn't like him and that they aren't friends, just brothers. Cory's pretty much speechless, and so am I.

That's definitely the highlight of this episode, but the next scene is pretty good too as Topanga helps Cory understand what this is all about. In the past, Cory always wanted to hang out with Eric (according to her, that's not really ever reflected in the show) and now they've grown apart.

This is a continuation of excellent showings by Topanga, and really Danielle Fishel. It's like a light went on and suddenly she's one of the best characters.

She advises Cory to think on whether he wants to reignite his strong bond with Eric and heads home. To the tune of the emotional acoustic guitar, Cory continues packing up junk in the garage. Eric shows up, and without a word helps him clean up what's left, but not without a quick playful shove.

This is a spectacular ending (there's nothing during the credits). When the clock starts running out and there's no resolution, I always start to worry about a way-too-neat tied-with-a-pretty-bow resolution a la Seven The Hard Way. Rather than solving the problem, they've both acknowledged that the problem exists, and they both appear hopeful about fixing that problem in the future. It also (can't believe I'm saying this) sets the groundwork for Eric's choices in the series finale. That's right, groundwork has been set, and I'm very excited about it.

Plot1.0 - Eric's hurt feelings and concerns are perfectly legitimate. Cory excluding Eric is perfectly legitimate and follows the trend we've seen this season, particularly in The War when Cory didn't want him on his team. Cory even says to Topanga in that last scene "the guy's a total screw up." So while we haven't all been happy with Eric's status as a "total screw up" this season, this use of it has certainly made me more accepting.

Character Development1.0 - Shawn and Jack try to be closer (even though they aren't really successful), and of course Cory and Eric resolving to regain their old, closer bond.

Humor0.5 - I really wanted to give this episode a perfect score because I haven't given one this season, but I can't honestly say it was very funny. And that's FINE, it wasn't supposed to be funny, it completely works without being funny. Shawn and Jack were silly, but we lost them after the garage sale, and then it was all business.

Life Lesson1.0 - Brother stuff.

3.5 out of 4.0. The Matthews Bruthassss. For the humor side of Boy Meets World, episode 17 is probably my favorite this season, but for exploring the relationship between characters that we love, this has to be my favorite. And a lot of it is owed to Eric finally being "well rested." BUT KBM WHAT ABOUT THE CLASSROOM SCENE AT THE END OF THE FINALE?!????? Yeah yeah, that's the best scene in the season, but it hardly makes up for the 40-minute-clip-show of a finale. I don't know, I haven't watched the finale in a while, I guess we'll find out.

Thanks for reading, see you Friday. I'm not excited about it.

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Monday, February 16, 2015

Episode 7x18 "How Cory and Topanga Got Their Groove Back"

I was playing Cards Against Humanity last night with some folks I hadn't met. My "Hey I'm Sean" was met with "Oh yeah? I'm Cory." He was joking, but I appreciated it.

That most recent episode of Girl Meets World was good. Topanga was amazing.

I have no idea what this episode is.

Okay so we're at The Union where Cory and Topanga are anxious to return home, lest they miss 60 Minutes. The rest of the crew show up just before heading out to The Blue Room, a "loud" and "wild" night club. Jack has apparently been carried over from the previous episode. He's completely obsessed with his appearance and blah blah nobody wants to see this. Here we are, at the very end of the series, and they're still not sure what they want to do with Jack. Topanga comments that she likes dancing too, which is hopefully a display of the ability to remember previous episodes. If so, it is much appreciated.

Later, at The Dorm, Topanga's worried that she and her husband are boring now, since their own best friends didn't even bother inviting them out. Cory dismisses her concerns, and we learn that Cory likes to be the little spoon.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

Topanga's restless, and resumes the conversation. Cory doesn't seem to think that acting like an old couple is a bad thing, but as a loving, compromising husband, he decides to throw a big party at their dorm the next night.

My first reaction to this is that they've always been an old married couple, and I'm trying to think of an example, but maybe it was just Cory who always acted that way, mister poster-of-celery. Either way, it's clear that this episode's version of Topanga has her wanting to go out and do stuff, rather than being an old person.

Well this is weird. Eric has suffered a bump on the head, and now every time he sneezes he sees a vision of the future. Like That's So Raven, but not as sassy. After a few sneezes, Eric has a vision of the winning lottery numbers, but only the first three, setting Jack on a warpath to get the last of the numbers.

We're back to a classic season 1 and 2 formula here, Cory taking the main stage while Eric conducts an ultimately meaningless shenanigan in the background. Classic doesn't necessarily mean high quality, though. After all this time, it's still clear that Jason was better suited to these shenanigans than Jack. To be fair, Jack can interact with the other characters in a way that Jason never could, and ultimately that makes him a better addition to the cast, but in these particular situations where these two don't even see Rachel or Cory or Shawn for the whole episode, Jason was way better.

I just want to say that going back to find a good picture with Jason reminded me how much I love season 2.

Cory's handing out party invitations to everybody in The Union. A party with "cake, ice cream, games, and surprises." If they never deliver on those surprises, I'm going to be seriously disappointed.

But as EVERYONE knows, tonight is also Jerry Dervin's party, the "best party of the year," according to Rachel. Cory makes it abundantly clear that, by golly, he's gonna throw a super fun no-parents-allowed party, even better than Dervin's party. Shawn, in return, makes it abundantly clear that he has no faith in Cory's ability to throw a party, and honestly he's pretty mean about it.

Cory: "The whole campus has these fliers, Shawnie. So there might not even be room for you, or this thing on your face."

Well SOMEBODY had to say it.

The showrunners are still trying pretty hard to make it look like Rachel and Angela are friends, but I'll never be interested.

Jack and Eric have found their way to a gas station or convenience store or something, some place you can buy a lottery ticket. Eric hasn't sneezed out the last few numbers yet, and Jack's doing everything he can to get them.

Jack, tossing pepper into Eric's nose: "Sneeze!"
Eric: "No!"
Jack, tossing more pepper: "Jackass."

I'm 99% sure that last part was ad libbed. It's pretty unusual, but if we accept the uncomfortable premise that Jack is a heartless greed-monster, then this whole gag is pretty hilarious. I love that Eric has his name in big letters written on his helmet. It's the little things. This is weird though. Jack has totally lost his mind over the lottery. And believe it or not, this is The Last Shenanigan. The last team effort between Eric and Jack, this is it, and they're doing this sociopath Jack for some reason, above and beyond how he was in You Light Up My Union.

Eric has another psychic sneeze, showing him that someone is going to be in trouble, and Eric thinks it's his responsibility to help, so he heads out to find them.

This next scene is either incredibly sad or incredibly adorable, it's really up to personal taste on that but there's not a lot of middleground. Cory has decorated The Dorm with balloons and streamers, and now he's breaking out the board games. Topanga approves and pulls her quiches out of the oven. So yes, quite the rager they've prepared here. I bet the quiche at Dervin's party is store bought.

It seemed like Shawn as being an unusually bad friend earlier, but he dragged Rachel and Angela out of Dervin's party to come hang out with Corpanga. Shawn really is the best. And damn, could Rachel and Angela complain about it a little more? Two episodes ago they were crying about being excluded from the in-group and now they're too good to go to Cory and Topanga's party? Fuck that noise.

To be fair, the party isn't going well.

The next scene is just Cory and Topanga fighting about what exactly caused this party to fail so completely, each blaming the other to hilarious effect. To my great surprise, Topanga totally steals this one away, she's way funnier than Cory here. That... that never happens. Mark this one down in your Boy Meets World Notebooks boys and girls. Also note that Topanga insists that she wants to "go out" and have fun and be wild and that sort of thing. The argument escalates to a giggling food fight, which, of course, ends in sex on the floor.

We find Eric and Jack in some back alley near a dumpster, apparently the location of the person Eric needs to save. Jack's patience runs out, so he starts... bashing Eric's (helmeted) head against the lid of the dumpster.

Eventually Eric sneezevisions the last few lottery numbers for Jack, but then a hobo comes out of nowhere to help the boys learn a lesson. It's very odd. He and Eric together realize that Jack is the person Eric needed to save. Eric thinks he got these psychic powers to save Jack from his overwhelming greed, but that greed wouldn't have existed in the first place without these powers, so it's kind of cyclical. I appreciate that this ties in to the Playswith Squirrels future, that perhaps, even without the lottery, Jack's greed would eventually overwhelm him and turn him into the guy we saw in that future. So the fact that Eric is saving him now wraps that all up nicely.

EXCEPT JACK DON'T GIVE A SHIT. The emotional guitar plays while Jack realizes he's become a monster, but he quickly dismisses the realization and goes to buy the lottery numbers. So there really wasn't any development here at all...


Back at The Dorm, we see that Shawn's recruited a horde of people from Dervin's party, including Dervin himself (even though he's credited as "Punk" so I had to guess at the spelling of his name), by promising them each 20 dollars if they spend an hour at Cory's party. I said it already, but man, Shawn is the best. Cory won't ever know about it though, because when Shawn opens the door he sees Corpanga wrapped up in the Twister mat on the floor, clearly not looking for company.

Topanga tells Cory they should never go out, and it kind of looks like Topanga never got what she wanted here. She stated very firmly that she wanted to try to go out more, and now in a mess of hormones she's tossing that aside. I don't know, I'm probably thinking about it too much.

Everyone goes back to Dervin's party, except Shawn and Angela, who realize that they're sort of jealous of how much fun Cory and Topanga are having together. Rachel was also jealous but she just walked off camera. I'm sure she'll be fine, she can take home any guy at Dervin's Party.

At The Apartment, they don't win the lottery for sitcom reasons that aren't even worth explaining.

During the credits, Cory and Topanga love each other.

Plot1.0 - The lottery half of the episode is nonsense, but I like how we can tie it in with the Playswith Squirrels future. The Cory and Topanga half is a fun idea. They've always been like an old married couple, so it's nice to see Topanga try to challenge that. Like I said earlier though, it's disappointing that she completely abandoned it by the end.

Character Development0.5 - There was almost development, but then Cory and Topanga reverted back to how they've always been. Jack was... sort of development, but he didn't even seem to care that he was acting like a sociopath.

Humor1.0 - There's enough to hold it up.

Life Lesson0 - Uhhhhhh.

2.5 out of 4.0. - The only thing left I want to do is reiterate how bull shit it is that Rachel and Angela don't want to hang out with Cory and Topanga after what happened in The War and Seven The Hard Way.

Thanks for reading, see you Wednesday.

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Friday, February 13, 2015

Episode 7x17 "She's Having My Baby Back Ribs"

I meant to say last time that Playswith Squirrels is still wearing all his usual rings on his fingers, even though he claims to have sold all his worldly possessions. I'm not really sure why.

And now for something completely different.

I've referred to Jack as Bronze Adonis Jack a few times, and today that's how he views himself. He's here in The Union with the female characters and he starts showing off his abs, to the amusement of Rachel and Angela. People generally view this as douchey behavior, and it is, but in all honesty I would probably want to show them off too. To the side, Topanga eats pizza and looks on at the beautiful people doing beautiful things, clearly struggling with some body image issues. The Beautifuls head off to class and we see Shawn and Cory getting coffee at Brew Lagoon.

So this interesting. In the first half of Seven The Hard Way, Shawn is clean shaven, and then in The Future he has a very beatnik goatee. I think it was real and Rider decided to keep it, because now Shawn has a goatee.

Shawn+Cory is as old as time, but we've got something new and exciting brewing on the other side of The Union. Eric sits down near Topanga with a big sub sandwich, starts to eat some pizza, and then the two discuss how they're both getting fat. I cannot explain why, but this works SO well.

Topanga: "You're not alone."
Eric: "Oh that's right! You're fat too!"

Maybe season 1 Topanga was on to something when she had that crush on Eric. Maybe it's because Topanga's had so much practice being patient with Cory that she's actually able to be compassionate toward Eric here, a refreshing change from how everyone's been an ass to him this season. I can't say for sure what makes this duo so fun to watch, but they've instantly pulled me into the episode. I'd love to hear what you guys think about this.

Corperic make a pact to start dieting, and they both promise not to tell anyone about it. Eric shoves some pizza in his mouth and the audience cheers. So clearly this isn't going to be very serious. This isn't the "eating disorder" episode of Full House.

At The Dorm, Topanga's feeling insecure as well as nauseated, and she's having trouble zipping up her pants.

Cory: "Because they're mine..."

She says "Oh no... I have to go," and heads out the door. We all know how this episode goes, and even with the future events in mind, her exit makes no sense. None whatsoever, I cannot figure it out.

So we cut to Cory and Goatee Boy enjoying some waffles in bed, and Shawn comes to the reasonable conclusion that Topanga is pregnant, based on the information that Cory has given him. Almost every television show does a pregnancy story at some point, usually with a big season-ending cliffhanger, and almost every one of them is completely awful. "She's pregnant but I can't bring it up because X," "I'm pregnant but I can't tell him because X." You know the ones. This episode seems to be almost a satire of pregnancy episodes. The same way that the audience assume's that there's going to be a pregnancy episode, the characters assume that Topanga is pregnant. And as we all know, every pregnancy storyline could be easily solved with the slightest bit of communication between those involved. Jacobs has decided to parody that by having Shawn vehemently insist that Cory simply talk to his wife to easily sort things out, yet Cory continues to make outlandish decisions without ever talking to Topanga.

So does this merely fall into the "misunderstanding" trope, where we have to wait until the end for everyone to go "ohhhhhhhhhhhhh now I get it"? As it turns out, no, there's one more twist coming up to avoid that cliche too.

Cory: "I can't be a father! I got a paper due on Friday!"

At The Union, we see some more absolutely fantastic teamwork between Topanga and Eric. This is so beautiful. It actually feels like the Shawn+Cory of seasons past, a goofy team trying to work through a plan that's bound to fail. I am loving it.

Cory walks in as Eric puts his hand on Topanga's stomach and comforts her, but of course Eric is just talking about the weight debacle. Topanga heads out, leaving Cory to confront his brother. So right away we, the seasoned television veteran, groan and roll our eyes, bracing ourselves for the imminent laughtrack resulting from the "misunderstanding." Sad to say, that's pretty much exactly what happens, Cory thinks they're having a conversation about pregnancy, Eric thinks it's about dieting, and anyone of us could have written this entire dialogue.

The good news is that the tone isn't serious at all. It's not supposed to be creating drama or tension, as it might in other shows. It's all very silly, the Matthews brothers are both doing faces and voices and wild gestures. There's a good amount of fun to be had here, even though it's totally predictable.

Cory runs outside and informs Shawn that he was right about the pregnancy. The lips are loose here in Philadelphia, so the news quickly spreads to everyone in the city, except, somehow, Topanga. It even reaches some nameless guy whose only response is to ask who Topanga is. It's weird. Random extras usually don't get lines. This was his big break.

The game of city-wide telephone has resulted in Cory's parents and Feeny believing that Cory is adopting a 14 year old Chinese boy, which is funny, and Cory quickly sets them straight with his own version of the not-truth. Alan is of course very angry, but some totally unrealistic comments on his part derail his tirade. Eric shows up and derails things further, raving about breast feeding, and is soon back out the door chasing after the ice cream man. This felt like the standard season 7 Eric where nobody really gives a shit about what he's saying and they're all glad when he's gone again. Not my favorite.

The rest of this scene feels very odd to me. They do the whole emotional talk about the magic and wonder of fatherhood. Except, unlike the previous scenes, this one is totally sincere. The touching guitar music plays and comes to terms with the idea of being a father. This is the sort of thing you'd expect in every other show, and I suppose the first time viewer might not be sure whether or not Topanga's pregnant, but I feel like it should be obvious from the beginning. The rest of the episode works perfectly fine without this. So why is it here?

And just like that, right after Cliche Fest 1999, we're back in anti-cliche mode as both Amy and Shawn tell Cory to go talk to Topanga about this, and still he refuses.

Cory: "It's too late to just... tell her! I've gotta do something big!"

Cory resolves to throw a secret surprise ninja baby shower for Topanga, and all this has me totally convinced that it's making sport of the fact that this type of plot can be resolved so easily.

The party is at The Union, obviously, where Angela and Topanga have just arrived. Like I said earlier, you would expect this sort of thing to be resolved at the end, but Topanga tells Angela flat out before they go inside that she is not pregnant, which leaves the next seven minutes wide open.

Topanga's about to tell everyone the truth, until they start handing her gifts. Including a shiny new DVD PLAYER WOAHHHHHHHHH. That was hot shit back then. So she decides to go along with the pregnancy nonsense. I've seen "She's pregnant and doesn't want to say anything," I've seen "They think she's pregnant  but don't want to say anything," but this is the only show I know of with "They think she's pregnant and she pretends to be to get gifts." It's unique. Topanga's doing something exciting and different. I like it a lot.

Morgan pushes in Nana Boo Boo in her wheelchair, who has apparently got quite a gift for her grandson.

I mean this has to be a total farce now, right? There is nothing resembling a standard pregnancy episode anymore.

Topanga refuses to give up on the charade, and it's all very entertaining, until Cory has an outpouring of love and support that makes her feel guilty. I was fine with it until he did the "don't care about the gender as long as it's healthy" line. GOD it's so tired! AS LONG AS IT'S HEALTHY


Come on guys, we were supposed to be anti cliche, I hate that line so muchhhhhhhhhhhh. And hey, what if it's NOT healthy? Pretty sure Joshua was unhealthy at first, you wanna just throw him to the gutter? Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Topanga does probably the funniest voice she ever does on this show when she whispers goodbye to the DVD player. Actually this might be the only silly voice she does on the show. It's a shame.

Topanga finally comes clean to everybody and it goes about how you'd expect, nothing bad, nothing great. Everyone assures her that she is still gorgeous and not fat, including Eric.

Eric: "You're not fat, you're hot. I just told you you were fat so you'd gimme your pizza."

I don't know how to describe how perfect Will's delivery (pun intended) is on that line. It's so casual and apathetic, like it's just something everybody does. I adore that line. Definitely one of my favorites this season.

Eric pulls the same stunt on the guy standing behind him, and one of the extras in the background is trying SO HARD. One of my favorite games to play is to find the extras that are trying way too hard. And I know it's mean, I'm sorry, they just want to act and prove that they can act, I'm sure I'd do the same thing, but damn is it funny to watch.

The situation devolves into a bunch of beautiful people explaining how they're not that beautiful. Even Jack, who was apparently fat growing up, at which point he was known as Jumbo Jack. I don't know how that's supposed to make us feel better, he's still Bronze Adonis Jack now. Eric gives him a hard time though, which is delightful.

Jack: "I just wanted people to like me."
Eric: "Awww that's- I like you, Jumbo Jack."

All these random people are still standing around watching, making the whole thing pretty uncomfortable. Nana Boo Boo takes back her giant check, and that's that. At The Dorm, Cory and Topanga gaze toward the future when they finally do have a kid, and Topanga suggests that they keep practicing in the meantime. You know what I've just decided? The wedding was worth it. I'm glad Cory and Topanga got married because it has allowed them to talk about sex like an actual thing people like to do, instead of the spooky woo-woo television-taboo of *gasp* premarital sex.

It's just music during the credits.

Plot0.75 - Every series has to have a pregnancy story, and this was refreshing. I would have gone for the full point were it not for that segment in the middle where it felt too emotional with Amy and Alan, like we were supposed to be taking the pregnancy seriously.

Character Development1.0 - I'm just giving it for the beautiful chemistry between Topanga and Eric. The only time we got close to seeing that dynamic was when Eric wanted revenge against her earlier this season. And despite my better judgement, I loved that too.

Humor1.0 - Everybody was awesome. Except Jack, honestly. That Jumbo Jack story really isn't very interesting or funny, but Eric's reaction to it is fucking amazing.

Life Lesson0.5 - Beauties gonna beauty. But try not to compare yourself to other people. I haven't talked much about the body image thing because it really fell to the background once the pregnancy stuff started. And of course Topanga isn't really fat, she's always been great looking, but it's still believable that she'd want to cut a few pounds after spending time with her-only-quality-is-her-appearance Rachel and Bronze Adonis Jack.

3.25 out of 4.0. This is one of my favorites of season 7. It feels like a return to form. We took something that most shows would handle in a boring and cliche way, and handled it in a different and entertaining way. And I understand the desire to broach the subject of children with Cory and Topanga. I'm sure lots of fans wanted to know about their future in that regard, and this episode gives them a very confident thumbs up, that is, that they'll happily have children some day. And as we now know from Girl Meets World, that's what happened.

Thanks for reading, see you Monday. Enjoy your Majora's Mask 3DS in the meantime.

Holy crap we're almost done.

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